In general, green tea is the most delicate, while black and herbal teas are more forgiving when it comes to temperature and steeping time.
If you plan to drink your tea iced, cold steeping might be the way to go. Steeping tea in cold to room-temperature water results in a less bitter and more aromatic tea with a higher antioxidant content. However, the lower the steeping temperature, the longer the brewing takes — in most cases, as long as 12 hours.
One study found that steeping at 40°F (4°C) for 12 hours extracts and retains more polyphenols than steeping for 3–4 minutes in hot water. The study also found that steeping for 3–5 minutes at 175°F (80°C) followed by adding ice led to similar taste and antioxidant contents as the 12-hour cold steeping method, making this a quick alternative.
While there are special tools to help you steep tea, you can also keep it simple and still steep like an expert.
At a minimum, you need a teacup, tea bag, and kettle. Place the tea bag in your teacup. Fill the kettle with fresh, cold, and filtered water and bring it to a boil, or a near boil if brewing green or white tea. Then, pour the water over your tea bag in the teacup. Covering the teacup with a saucer is optional, but doing so will help retain more of the aromatic compounds. Steep for about 5 minutes, or to your taste.
For loose leaf tea, you’ll also need a metal tea ball or infuser to hold the leaves. Measure out 1 teaspoon of dried tea leaves or 1 tablespoon of fresh ingredients per 6–8-ounce (177–237-ml) cup. Place the leaves in the tea ball or infuser and submerge it in a cup of hot water for the proper amount of time.
Using loose leaves requires a few more tools for steeping, but in return, you have a larger selection of varieties compared with bagged tea, allowing for more combinations of flavor and health benefits.
For cold-brewed tea, it’s a good idea to make multiple servings in a large mason jar at once because of the long steep time. Fill a jar with fresh, cold water and add 1 tea bag or 1 teaspoon of dried tea in an infuser for every 6 ounces (177 ml) of water.